Waiting for puppies it is the most exciting period for owners. Not depend if it the first litter at home or you get it time after time. Pregnancy of a dog wants from you attention, keeping an eye and taking care of the future mama. You have only 63 days to do your best, to learn all that you still dont know about her pregnancy, qbout feeding, all processes and about giving birth.
We raise our dogs with raw food (BARF) so we keep a female during pregnancy in special schema of natural feeding for pregnant dogs. Pregnancy of your dog gives you responsability not only to take care of a female, being able to support dog and to help during giving birth if it is necessary, but also in correct raising of puppies and finding for them best home. Are you ready for that? |
Pregnancy of dogs lasts 62-63 days.
The most important period in pregnancy it is implantation of embrions (16-19 days of pregnancy) and placentation (ends until 35 days of pregnancy). In this periods some % of embrions die and specially in these periods your female dog needs the most attention and taking care. Until implantation period quantity of embtion's cells grow without growing of his size. In this period is difficult to understand if female is pregnant or not. |
For giving birth you should prepare all necessary things: